with DEV

Yoga is the divine path to experience the Divine, a sacred and disciplined way to embrace sacredness and the Sacred. It is ‘Deva-yoga’ (Deva = Divine, the Absolute, "celestial" or "shining"), where Jevatma / living individual soul and Paramatma / Divine Highest or Universal Soul seek for divine union.

Deva-Yoga is Meditative Yoga, a smooth blending of Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga. It is an art of living, with positive attitude and cheerfulness. Accept, adopt and practice yoga as a part of your life and enjoy happiness and peace. Then you will be able to reach in this conviction: ‘I am the living, loving and joyful expression of life’.

Yoga is a way of life. It is a path to unfold one's capacity for reaching our full capacity for happiness. This happiness arises when one's body, mind and soul are balanced. Deva-Yoga combines the breathing practices, yoga postures and relaxation techniques of Hatha Yoga with the deep philosophy, self control, meditation and contemplation of Raja Yoga.

During this three hour workshop on Deva-Yoga, the Yogacharya Dev will enlighten the participants into the knowledge, awareness and experience of Deva-Yoga.

Date: Wednesday September 3, 2014

Time: 07.30 – 09.30 pm                       

Place:  2112 Bel-Air Drive, Ottawa, ON K2C 0W9

For registration, please call 1-226-919-5094

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